Upon receiving notice of your cancellation, we will contact you and provide details of where you must return the Goods and other relevant instructions. You must then return the Goods to us without delay and at the latest within 14 days of notifying us of your cancellation.
You must return the Goods at your own risk and at your own cost unless we offer to pay the cost of return. We may offer to collect the Goods from you and charge you for the cost of collecting the Goods. If we offer to collect the Goods, we will contact you to ascertain whether you agree to us collecting the Goods, whether you agree to pay the costs of collection if we are charging you for collection, and if so, to make arrangements for collection. If you agree to pay the costs of collection, we may deduct this from any sum we owe you.
If the value of the Goods is reduced as a result of your handling of them beyond what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics or functioning of the Goods, we will be entitled to claim this reduction in value from you and to deduct it from any money which you have paid us.